Hello. May I have your attention, please? Can everyone hear me? OK.
There are
54 days until Christmas. Count them up: that equates to be approximately
FOUR paydays. That's right. I said it.
Christmas day itself doesn't hold much excitement for us. We don't have kids. We despise waking up early (especially on a day off). And most importantly - we spend Mike's birthday doing everything BUT celebrate his birthday. In that regard it's kind of a bummer. On the flip side - the month and a half leading UP to Christmas is absolutely fantastic! There is the
music, the
shopping, the
lights, the sights, smells and sounds, the
Festival of Trees, and all the other wonderful things that the Christmas season brings like no other time of year! I am STOKED. I fully intend on Christmas-ing the crap out of everyone around me.
This year is going to be really hard for me in a way - this will be the first year in four years that I won't be working at VS. I will be sad that I won't be a part of the festivities and the excitement - and I will definitely miss the extra money - but when I am able to spend a Saturday making gingerbread houses or sledding, or Christmas shopping during the week, it is REALLY going to hit home that it's OK to sit back and enjoy my family and friends. You know - the major element of Christmas.
As I sit here now, Frank Sinatra is serenading me with "The Christmas Waltz. Keep it comin', Frank. I'm gonna need your help. My boss must have known about my illness - my sick infatuation with the month of December. He has put in in charge of the Christmas party this year. Am I freaked out? Yes. Am I excited beyond all reason? You betcha.
Pinterest will definitely help ease some of my stress. In fact, look at these wonderful lovelies that I have already come across!!
"Frosted" jars with candles |
Hot Chocolate Bar for the kiddos! |
Possible centerpieces for the tables |
I decided that the theme for our festivities will be "Baby, It's Cold Outside". It's (one of) my favorite Christmas melodies. Plus, I figure if I'm throwing the party I get to choose whatever I want, and everyone else can just deal with it. :)
Ideally, everyone would bring old and new coats, gloves, scarves, boots, socks, sweaters, and anything else that we can donate to
The Road Home to help them from being...wait for it....wait for it ...COLD OUTSIDE! Ya see how I did that? Just brought it full circle.
If you have any ideas as to decorations, food, or anything otherwise that would help fit into our theme I would LOVE to hear it! I have until December 8th to get my list made, check it twice, and have it all in the bag. Santa's bag.
Too many cheese Christmas puns?
Before I go, I'll leave you with this dreamy little number. You're welcome.